Awesome Creatives to Check Out
Looking for awesome podcasts to follow? Amazing artists to support? Stellar writers? Musicians with an incredible vibe? Then you've come to the right place.
Here are some of my favorite people, doing their favorite things. Take a look at what they're up to, and let's support one another!

Art & Music to Beautify Your Soul
With a style that blends the best of 90s hip hop and high energy trap music, Ca$$inova has a style that will draw you in and keep you moving from the first track to the very last.
Fair warning, some of these hooks will sneak up on you in the middle of the day, out of nowhere, so be ready.
Hit him up over on Spotify or SoundCloud, then swing by CD Baby and pick up something for your playlist.
Have you ever wanted to be transported to a mythical dreamscape filled with softness and light? Surround yourself with shadows and sparkles and color? Drink in a world brimming with fanciful imagination? Well then, look no further than the incredible Bacon and their beautiful art pieces.
Transform your office, your living room, or yourself. Scoot forthwith over to their Etsy shop and bring home a bit of artful whimsy. While you're at it, drop a like on their Facebook page too, so you don't miss any of the pretty.
Podcasts! Fill Your Mind to the Brim with Goodness
Let's face it. Right now, every single day is unreasonable. You wake up to unreasonable and go to bed with even less reason than you started with. Aaron and Dacia are here to help you cope. To give you a raft fashioned of wit, banter, and levity that shines bright through the dark times. Go forth, my dear ones, and listen.
(As a bonus, you'll get extra Bacon-y gaming & nerdy goodness for ADDSense and some oh so sensual liberation and smart talk from the inimitable N'Jaila Rhee on The Cuntcast.)
Why are you still reading? Go add this to your iTunes rotation or scoop it up over at Libsyn.
And while you're at it, slide some love into their Patreon, too!
Get Your Streaming Fix
As if incredible podcasts and mad art skills aren't enough, the lovely and talented Bacon also has a Twitch stream! Go forth and subscribe immediately, lest you miss all the fun.
Sites You Need to Follow
Do you want to feel beautiful? Sophisticated? Dare I say...fabulous?! Well, Shanta is here to take all of the guesswork out of the makeup counter and put you well on your way to expressing your inner (and outer) diva. Head over to her site and sign up!